With the announcement of WebKit'sSquirrelFish Extreme, there has predictably been some additional coverage. A sampling:
- Vertigo: Blog posted V8, Meet SquirrelFish Extreme
- SquirrelFish Extreme: Fastest JavaScript Engine Yet via Daring Fireball
- SquirrelFish Extreme has landed! via Daring Fireball
It's amazing to watch the horse race for Javascript performance supremacy between V8, TraceMonkey, and SquirrelFish (Extreme or otherwise). If all Google was after by building there own JS engine was performance, and SquirrelFish delivers that to the WebKit rendering engine, why continue with V8? Why not combine efforts? Or if V8 turns out to be ultimately better than SquirrelFish Extreme, its all WebKit compatible, why not use it in Safari?