I’ve already shipped an app that is accessing Face ID on iPhone X, but while testing an unrelated feature the other day, I saw the alert on the left. I thought I had read everything that I needed to about Face ID implementation, but this had slipped past me.
I parked it for a while, but I happened to open the
docs on LAContext on an unrelated issue when I saw the
Important information on the right.
When you click on
NSFaceIDUsageDescription you see the description on the left. I didn't experience any forced app quitting behavior on device or simulator, but your experience may vary.
NSFaceIDUsageDescription added to Info.plist, and a key of “Secure Account Access” like in the right screenshot, users will see a prompt like the one on the right when the app tries to access Face ID the first time.
Glad I caught this in the “one to fix all the iPhone X issues” release of the app I’m working on.